A Thought For The New Year

There was a man sent from God named John. ” (John1v6)

Here is a thought for the New Year. This man was to be quite famous because he did an important work for God, and the work he did was going to be an important lesson for everybody, ever after.

God’s Word tells us that we are all made by God, everyone of us made different to any other, and all to a plan of God. So like John we are all special in God’s sight.

No one ever came into this world by accident, and no one ever came without a reason. The intensity of God’s love for each of us is in the cost He paid. “ God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”.

As another year faces us, we should remember that whatever you might regret in the past, it is gone, and there is nothing you can do to undo it. So your big task lies in front of you. The life you may still be called to live.

There is a purpose in what lies ahead, and your commitment to finding out what God requires you to do and be., is the most important factor of your future life.

Talk to Jesus Christ about this vital matter, look for His guidance and help, This Coming Year Will Be The Greatest Of Your Life.

. (Wishing you God’s Blessing. Gerald Gossage)

Not The First Fish Story We Have Heard!

“I just had to come and see you” the woman said “You told us that God was interested in every little detail of our lives, even in finding something we had dropped or lost”.

She looked away as she said

“I couldn’t accept that, my prayers were formal, and for important things only”

Then she told me this story. “I was out fishing last Thursday, and you know what a miserable day that was. For hours I sat there and I didn’t catch a thing”. “I was thinking of one thing and another when I thought of what you had said.” “More out of bravado than anything I decided to put it to the test.

I did not expect anything to come of it.” “I said, out loud, Dear Lord God, Gerald said You are interested in even small things, if that is so, just make my day and give me a bite!”.

“I could not believe it, I caught three fish, one after another. If anyone had seen me they would have thought I was mad, I found myself dancing about on the river bank praising God”.

She smiled into my face “I’ll tell you something else, my way of praying has changed completely and I feel wonderfully happy just talking to Jesus.”

I told her how pleased I was, and added “It’s not the first time He has helped disciples to catch fish”.

From Gerald Gossage.

Press Report on the Busy Christmas Innkeeper

“A Christmas Poem”

Out from the noisy kitchen came the innkeeper with a scowl,

“I can only spare a minute” – he was wiping his hands on a towel.

I asked about that morning, in the year of census time,

The babe he’d put in the stable, with the animals and grime.

He plainly wasn’t pleased to lose a moment in this way,

But with righteous indignation here’s what he had to say:

“It happened all too suddenly, Why did I have no warning?”

“How on earth was I to know He’d be my guest that morning?”

“The angels never came to me to book his room with pride,

And I was crowded out in there, He had to stay outside”.

“It wasn’t business like I say, it wasn’t properly done;

They need more help up there in heaven to get things properly run”.

“When folks are rushed right off their feet, and don’t know where to turn,

They haven’t time for babes and things, when will religion learn?”

“They say that child was God Himself and then say gloatingly,

At the inn there was no room, and they blame it onto me?”

“Alright, let them say it; but may their conscience prod,

When you’re as busy as I was then,

Have you got time for God?”

Written by Rev. Gerald Gossage