

You see, I loved HIM dearly, I worshiped HIM from afar. In a man, what every woman seeks is sincerely; this is Jesus. Jesus was my distant star !

I had cooked for HIM , and served HIM, I had even walked with HIM, well behind. I had washed His garments, though He had never known it

I have watched His Ministry, so loving and kind.

It broke my heart when I heard about HIS trial. And to see HIM on the cross…

I had hurried to the grave on Sunday morning;

HE was not there ! , It was such a shock ! Continue reading “Mary!”

Ignorance to Maturity

Austin Huntley was a young boy living in Nova Scotia, His main enjoyment was playing with a group of youngsters around his own age and they got up to all kinds of things as boys will.

Occasionally they journeyed to a massive rock which they endeavoured to climb., but they had never manage to climb it all the way to the top. Austin was determined to get to the top. With an all out effort the day came when he made it all the way to the top and sat there admiring the view and eating the lunch he had brought with him.

Then his eye caught something that he just had to go and look at; Continue reading “Ignorance to Maturity”

Thoughts on Prayer

As a boy my church gave me a small book on prayer, and I remember that it started “ Kneel down and say….”and a number of printed prayers followed for me to say.Perhaps it was helpful at my young age, and it was certainly a step forward to my Mother’s instruction of “God Bless Daddy, Mummy and… “ the family list followed.

When I was grown up and a Minister of the church, one of my congregation said to me “I cannot remember ever hearing a sermon on how to pray” and I had to say “no I cannot remember one either”. Perhaps the church presumes we all know how to pray, and forgets that it should be part of our church teaching. Continue reading “Thoughts on Prayer”

Worship in Spirit

John Ch 4 v24. God is Spirit and only by the power of God’s Spirit can people worship Him as He really is.

I wandered lowly as a cloud that floats on high over hill and dale, and all at once I saw a crowd, a host of people worshipping God. Please forgive my miss- quotation, but I am aware that I am communicating with those who would call themselves “fellow Christians”. As such, you probably attend a place of worship at least every Sunday if not during the week as well.

We all must realize that there are many people who do not, or cannot worship with others, elderly in old folks homes, some in hospital, and many housebound, Sadly there is not much on radio or television these days as once there was, as helps to worship .So how do we worship ? Continue reading “Worship in Spirit”