Ascension Day, Did You Miss It?

“When’s Whitsunday, just after Ascension Day” there was a hurried hunting for, and looking through dairies. No one could find either date. It seems that a date so important for two thousand years is now to be excluded from public calendars.

For your information, Ascension Day is forty days after Easter Day (a Sunday) and Whitsunday is ten days after that.

Ascension Day always has two memories for me. One is of school days when after several practices of the well known Ascension hymns in addition to the hymns we sang in assembly, we were marched two by two to the local parish church for the Ascension Day act of worship. After which we were given the day off from school.

The second memory is of the times when we went to the railway station to say “goodbye” to people who were leaving us. Perhaps a member of the family, or may be visitors departing after a stay, the procedure was always the same. While waiting for the train to depart no body knew what to say. “Give my love to…” “You will write won’t you”

The train doors would be kept open while we tried to make conversation, then the whistle would send everyone into a panic of hugs and kisses and goodbyes, while the departing loved ones would scramble into the compartment, let down the window, and lean out to wave goodbye. As the train slowly moved out there would be much hand waving and shouted last minute thoughts. The waving would continue, some people moving along with the train as if reluctant to lose sight of that face in the window. Then they would be gone, and one would turn back to the platform exit feeling very much alone. In war time there was always a prayer that the loved one would return unharmed, and an ache in the heart.

I wonder if this was how it was on the day of Ascension.? They didn’t say “Don’t forget to write” (The stamps would be priceless if He had written wouldn’t they !) What they did say was “Lord, will you now restore the kingdom to Israel?” Jesus replied that He was not going to talk about the future times, “But” He said “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes to you, and you are going to be my witnesses all over the world”.

Then it happened, He suddenly started to move upward, their eyes followed Him, their heads tilted back, He looked smaller and smaller, and then He disappeared into the clouds.

They looked to each other, and saw that they had been joined by two angels in shining white, who spoke to them “Why are you standing here looking upward? This same Jesus will come back again in the same way as you have seen Him go”.

Hardly a day goes by with out my looking heavenward and wondering, will He come back today ? It seems to me that the events that He told us would take place before He returned have happened now, and I feel excited to think He might come any time. Do you doubt that ? Well remember He said “at a time when you think not, I will come.”

But after the departure ones thoughts turn away from the moment when we waved goodbye, and they settle on where they are now. They must have reached so- and-so by now. They will have arrived by now. I wonder what they will be doing now ! Over Jesus’ departure we have a good idea what He is doing now. He has “gone to prepare a place for us”. I wonder what that will be like ! He is “Seated at the right hand of The Father always making intercessions for us”. He still is there helping us ! And “Lo I am with you always, even unto the end” He told us.

Isn’t Ascension exciting ! ( from Gerald Gossage)


I just sat down for a break and started getting into the detective murder mystery that was being watched. It has been with me for a couple of days now and I just cannot get rid of what I absorbed from the story. Of course it was dramatically presented, but this child suddenly hated her nanny and took a knife from the kitchen and stabbed the nanny to death.

Of course that part of the story only came out as the wonderful detective investigated another few murders, all graphically shown, but I am still concerned that what I understood to be just a story for my entertainment, should still pester my mind days later as if it had been a real happening.

Our human mind is a strange and rather wonderful part of our body. It can make me rehear some delightful bit of music all over again, and although I might not be able to remember what it was called, I can delight to hear it again in my memory. In the midst of doing something I burst out laughing the other day as I remembered some funny event that had caused much laughter. Someone smiles, and we know that they are thinking of something pleasant. By the look on another’s face we can know we have said the wrong thing. Our conversation reveals what we are thinking and so we make communication between minds. The Mind, how wonderful !

The world we live in is just full of bad, wicked, and evil things. It is also full of the lovely, good, and God-Blessing things. What we reveal to our mind is very much our responsibility. I have made certain rules for myself which will protect my mind. If the T/V programme uses blasphemy or bad language, I switch it off or find another programme. We should just refuse to allow our mind to record that which we consider unhealthy to our living..

Neither should we allow our mind to dwell on things which, although troublesome we can do nothing about. I remember still after the Haiti earthquake the airport was packed with helpers and equipment to help, and planes were being told to return to wherever they came from, there was no room to land. Yet while nothing was being organized there was no help given to the dying and needy who needed help, food and water.

There is one thing I can do about it… Pray ! When I have done all I can do I must dismiss it from my mind and turn my thought to what things I should do in my daily round, to do my best.

Would you like to hear What God is saying to you about your mind ? Then here it is:-

“Fix your thoughts on what is TRUE,GOOD, and RIGHT. Think about things that are PURE and LOVELY. Dwell on the FINE and GOOD things you see in others. Things about all you can PRAISE GOD for, and be GLAD ABOUT.”

Keep putting into practice all you have learned from God, and God’s peace will be with you.

Greetings from Gerald Gossage.

The Decision is Made Now. See it Later

This story comes from Italy. It seems that a famous church was to have a special painting done on one of it’s walls by a famous artist. Much scaffolding was erected with many polls and planks so that the artist could reach every part of the wall, and when all the preparation was done the great man arrived to do the painting.

He climbed the scaffolding and just stood looking at the wall, occasionally he would move to view it from another part, then stand looking. The next day he arrived and did just the same as he had done before. Not a brush or bit of paint he had with him. On the third day he again arrived without paint or brushes, and he did nothing but move about and look at the wall.

By now the reverend Father just had to say something. “My son, you do not seem to have even started on the painting, when are you going to do this great painting?”

“Father” said the artist “The painting is just finished, all I have to do now is put it on the wall”.

If you think about that simple story you can see a parable about your life. There was an occasion when God decided to create you, He spent an effort just thinking what sort of person He would like you to be, what would be the best generation to bring you to birth, the country you should be born in, what parents and people would influence your life.

God wanted you to have the opportunity to be in His eternal world we call heaven, there you would be perfect and beautiful, a blessing to all. Like a masterpiece painting.

God knew that you could never be perfect and beautiful yourself, Like brushes and paint. so we have God’s Son coming to live and die for you, and return from death in your place. Would you share His life and live in Him? Or be so self-centred and be out of touch with the Master who wants to transport you into His perfection.

Like the artist in the story God has made the work of art that you are already, Let God put you into His eternal place as you daily live with Him and allow Him make you what will be His Master-piece for ever in Heaven.

Sincerely yours. Gerald Gossage

I Wonder Just what I will Leave Behind?

She was Miss Isabella Hume, and she lived in the Post Office come Sweet Shop, in a village called Longformacus, in Berwickshire. She loved her village with its rolling hills and green fields, and enjoyed walking in such beauty, often wondering if she could increase it’s beauty.

One day, perhaps seventy or eighty years ago, she had a thought, and she started to put it into operation. She told all the children who came to buy sweets to come on Saturday for a little job she had for them to do; and on that Saturday her shop was crowded with the village children.

To each child she handed a bag full of snowdrop bulbs, and smilingly she told them how to plant them, and sent them out to plant them in every place they could find where they could grow.

The children planted them all over the village. Up to the door of the church, around the Manse, along the banks of the river, and along the sides of the road. When all the bulbs were planted the children returned to tell where they were, and received another bag.. With sweets in.

As winter came to it’s end, Miss Hume waited and watched, and sure enough up came the snowdrops, and amazingly they came up every year after. What a sight ! They fill the village every year, after all these years, Long after Miss Hume has been laid to rest.

What this humble lady did so long ago can still be seen heralding the Spring, and adding to the beauty of the village.

What will be left behind by me that will bless other people? Will anyone remember you for something that you did ? Our loving influence on children ? Some blessing to our friends ? Will there be someone in heaven because you spoke to them ? Or Prayed ? Will somebody be loving and kind, because they remember your love and kindness ?

I wonder whether you will leave behind something that will live on after you ! Not a weather-worn grave stone with a few dates, What can we do today that will be a future blessing to delight others ?

Gerald Gossage. (seeking to serve!)

The Spirit and Us

We live in a materialistic world, and like Thomas, the apostle, we are inclined to say“ unless I can see, touch, and handle I will not accept it as real” (my translation)

But God tells us that material things are only temporary, they did not exist before God created the world, and they will not exist in our eternal life. God Himself is not material, “God is a Spirit”. And you and I are spiritual beings, living in a body that lasts only for a short time. When Jesus comes back He will give us a new kind of body, but on the evidence of Our Lord’s appearance on earth between Easter and His Ascension, it will not be a materialistic body to fit in with this world which will be destroyed . So here is a mystery. (read I Cor: ch 15 from v35)

The season we call Whitsun, or after the Jewish festival,- Pentecost, helps us to understand, and get inspiration, for it teaches us something about God Himself. While Jesus was living here on earth He talked (prayed) to God as His Father, He also taught His disciples to say “Our Father”. But God, The Father, also showed Himself as Spirit when He came and said “ This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased”. So we have Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in oneness as God. John (ch4.v23-24) teaches that God is Spirit, and We are Spirit. When we communicate, or worship Him we MUST do so in our spirit, not in materialism. The body dies but the soul (spirit) lives forever.

The thrilling part of this for believers is that God can be with us. The Father was with Jesus at His Baptism (like a dove) He was with The First Disciples on that day of Pentecost (like a rushing wind and tongues of flame) and there are plenty of others to whom The Holy Spirit came.

The condition seems to be the desire of one to be with the other. God desired Paul to change from persecuting Jesus to working for Him. Others desire to seek God, but it always has to be under God’s terms not ours, because His ways are more important than ours, and He knows what is best. A verse of an old hymn comes to me as a wonderful way to express what God is seeking to teach us, it says :- “He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own And the dreams we share as we tarry there none other could ever know.” (I hope I have remembered it ) But God being Spirit, and we being spirit too means that we can live in Him every minute of every day as together we share this life He has given us.

Jesus said “Without Me you can do nothing”. It follows that With Him we can do always what is pleasing in His sight, and not do things which displease Him. I testify that I have found this to be true of my own life. When He said “Lo I am with you always, even unto the end” I believe this has been so. And the pure delight of that union I could not describe.

At this time it could be a real blessing to you to rededicate your life to God who is The Holy Spirit. To learn to pray in spirit (all the yearnings of your heart) and enjoy a new oneness in God your Saviour. Try to practice walking with Him and Talking with Him all the time in you mind Just love Him as you have never loved before.

His Blessings be In You. Gerald Gossage.